Abundant Giving - Church Capital Campaign

A Biblical, Flexible, and Effective church capital campaign to raise money for building or debt retirement

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Complete, Turnkey Church Capital Campaign

Everything your church needs for a spiritually & financially successful capital stewardship campaign.

Abundant Giving Church Capital CampaignEver since Moses built the tent of the tabernacle, churches have been taking up special offerings for the building of God's church; today, we call this process a church capital campaign. A turnkey church capital campaign solution, Abundant Giving combines the timeless wisdom & power of scripture with the best practices used by today's capital campaign consultants. Abundant Giving provides a proven, step-by-step, week-by-week, task-by-task process which is thoroughly documented in a comprehensive training and resource guide and supported by training, coaching, and assistance from our capital campaign consultantsMore information on what is included may be found on the main Abundant Giving website

Flexible Delivery Options

Supports churches large or small, experienced in capital fund raising or preparing for their first capital campaign.

Abundant Giving church capital campaign has been used with great success by churches as small as 75 adults and has also raised over $9,000,000 in a single capital campaign in much larger churches. In every case, the financial success was a reflection of the spiritual impact. Large church or small, the fundamental principals of a church capital campaign do not change, however, we do have a special version specifically for churches with less than around 100 adults. 

We deliver customized church capital campaign solutions that are as unique as our church client's needs.  Depending on the complexity of the capital campaign, experience of the church, amount to be raised, and other factors, we will provide a solution that meets the unique needs of your church. Additional information on our church capital campaign delivery options is available on the main web site, AbundantGiving.com

Got Concerns?

If you have concerns about retaining a church capital campaign consultant, this is probably the program for you.

There are many reasons a church will resist hiring a church capital campaign consultant. 

  • Don't want to pressure people into giving through strong arm tactics, guilt, or secular and non-biblical means.

  • Heard horror stories of other church capital campaigns that were done poorly (in any sense of the word).

  • Just don't think your leadership/board/congregation will spend money to raise money.

  • Don't feel that it can be all that difficult and don't see the need to get outside help.`

We could write a book addressing just those four concerns, but the short answer to each of those is:

Our position is that of scripture, and that is, "Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."  Abundant Giving is a church capital campaign that is biblical in basis and spiritual in approach.  The capital campaign is not about money, it is about understanding that a Kingdom need has a Kingdom provision, and helping people understand their roles as stewards in God's perfect plan of providence to meet the need. We won't hammer your people, we will lead them to cheerful and sacrificial giving through clear communication, biblical exhortation and prayer.

There is no aspect of ministry that has not been done poorly, from TV evangelists with bad hair and worse theology, to misuse of power and position in the leadership of the church.  Just because at some time, some place, someone has done something badly does not mean it is a bad idea - the same for a church capital campaign.  I believe our testimonies speak for themselves.  Yes, you can do it wrongly, but we won't.

The last two points are probably the most prevalent examples of incorrect thinking based on not understanding the facts.  Bottom line, churches that do not use an outside capital campaign consultant typically raise about half that of those that do.  Consider how much you intend to raise, take only a conservative 1/3 of that number, subtract the consultant's fee, and consider that the potential cost of not hiring a consultant.  A church capital campaign that is spiritually and financially effective is not a simple process - that is why churches who do on their own typically don't get the results of those who seek wise and experienced counsel.

Visit Our New Website

For more information on Abundant Giving visit our new website at AbundantGiving.com

Additional information is available on our new website including downloadable information, testimonials, contact form, campaign options, articles, and much more.

